ECITB Courses
This ECITB accredited Mechanical Joint Integrity Courses is designed to ensure the competence of those involved in mechanical joint operations and trains in the disassembly, inspection, assembly and tightening of hand torque bolted connections.
ECITB Hydraulically Torque & Tension Bolted Connections MJI 10, 18 & 19
This course provided participants with the knowledge and skills to enable efficient and safe bolting and joint integrity practices. ​Progression Candidates who successfully complete the course can move onto Stage 2 which includes Work-Based Act...
Duration 2.5 days
Location Dublin or Castlebar Co Mayo
Max number 4
ECITB Hand & Hydraulically Torque Bolted Connections MJi-10 & 19
This ECITB accredited Mechanical Joint Integrity course is designed to ensure the competence of those involved in mechanical joint operations and trains in the disassembly, inspection, assembly and tightening of hand and hydraulically torque bolted c...
Duration 1.5 day
Location Dublin or Castlebar Co Mayo
Max number 4
ECITB Hand Torque Bolted Connection MJI-10
This ECITB accredited Mechanical Joint Integrity course is designed to ensure the competence of those involved in mechanical joint operations and trains in the disassembly, inspection, assembly and tightening of hand torque bolted connections. Cou...
Duration 1 day
Location Dublin or Castlebar Co Mayo
Max number 6