Ergonomic Risk Assessment (VDU/DSE) - Office Workstation


The Ergonomic Assessment Process








Do you know?

In the Republic of Ireland, employers are obligated to assess all employees’ workstations and display equipment to ensure employees' well-being under the DisplaScreen Equipment Regulation 2007.

Let us guide you in creating a comfortable and compliant workspace through our Office Ergonomic Risk Assessment.  

In the United Kingdom, employers are also required by the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations of 1992 to conduct a risk assessment of a workstation for each employee who uses DSE for a continuous duration of one hour or more while performing their duties.   

Workstations must adhere to specific guidelines in order to minimise threats to the user's health and safety. 


What is Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment?

A Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment involves evaluating and addressing potential hazards related to the usage of computer screens at work, known as a visual display unit (VDU) or display screen equipment (DSE) setting. These hazards encompass factors that could lead to musculoskeletal discomfort, upper limb disorders or eyestrain. 


Why choose Our In-Office Ergonomic Assessment?

Holland Safety specialises in offering complete Ergonomic Risk assessments at your office. Our main objective is making sure that your office furniture setting includes office desks, chairs, lighting and, display screen equipment (DSE) in a safe, secure, and ergonomic environment. 

Our team of Certified Assessors is committed to designing ergonomic workplaces that put your employees' health and safety first, increasing productivity and lowering the health risks of working. 


What does the risk assessment cover?

  • Workspace setup
  • Chair and Seating Arrangement
  • VDU and DSE setting
  • Communication Equipment system
  • Light, Heating & Ventilation
  • Electricity & Fire detection
  • General health arrangements  


Service Details

Aim of the Package:

We assist employers in:

  • Identifying and addressing potential ergonomic risks associated with office workstations.
  • Ensuring that office setups and work activities are conducive to employee well-being.
  • Supplying appropriate equipment to promote safe and efficient work.
  • Establishing effective communication arrangements.
  • Implementing emergency protocols.


Package Benefits:

  • Compliance with Relevant Regulations: Our assessment aligns with the guidelines for office workstations.
  • Time and Effort Saving: Employers can rely on our expertise to conduct thorough ergonomic assessments, from pre-assessment to final report.
  • Enhanced Employee Well-being: Educating employees about proper posture, optimal workstation setup, and stress management contributes to their overall physical and mental health.
  • Increased Productivity: Equipping employees with strategies to manage distractions and stress while working in the office.


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