Holland Safety QQI (level 5) Safety Representative Course, the purpose of this course is to enable the learner to promote and maintain safety and health in the workplace and represent employees on health and safety issues by providing the learner with the knowledge, skill, and competence needed for this role.
QQI Safety Representative Level 5 Course explores the role & function of the Safety representative in the workplace. After successful completion of this training course, the participant will understand the Health & Safety legislation governing the workplace. Under the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act (2005), the Safety Representative may consult with, and make representations to, the employer on safety, health and welfare matters relating to the employees in the workplace.
The employer must consider these representations, and act on them if necessary. The intention of these consultations is to prevent accidents and ill-health, highlight problems and identify means of overcoming them, such as accurate accident investigation, risk assessments & safety statements.
Consultations are particularly important when changes are taking place, for example when a safety statement or safety and health plan is being drawn up, or new technology or work processes, including new substances, are being introduced. They also have a part to play in dealing with long-established work practices and hazards.
Book Online Now by choosing a course date below, or contact us at to set up private on-site training tailored for your company.
Who Should Attend
This course is ideal for those who are selected to be workplace Safety Representatives to actively communicate Health and Safety Issues between management and employees in line with legislation.
Course Outline
- Health & Safety Legislation
- Role and Function of the Safety Representative
- The role of the Safety Representative in Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment at work
- Accident Investigation and Reporting
- The role of the Safety Representative in completing accident investigations and implementing preventative strategies
- Active and Reactive Monitoring
- Effective Communication Skills
- Safety Statement
- Assessment Test and Course De-Brief.
Learning Outcomes
- Describe Irish health and safety legislation, the various codes of practice and the function and powers of the key state agency with responsibility for health and safety.
- Describe the duties of employers and employees as detailed in the current health and safety legislation.
- Describe the risks and the control measures for the following in the workplace: noise, dust, vibration, fumes, fires & other factors found to be appropriate in a work environment.
- Outline the risk factors in relation to health to include stress, bullying and harassment in the workplace.
- Explain the importance of health and safety promotion & implementation in the workplace.
- Describe the uses and importance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the workplace.
- Explore the techniques of accident prevention.
- Consider accident trends in the workplace, recognize factors contributing to accidents, the accident sequence, accident behaviour and what are the outcomes of accidents.
- Select appropriate hazard control measures to control risks in the workplace.
- Explain the health and safety policies in a specific workplace including the safe handling of materials and products
- Examine the role and rights of the safety representative including their selection and appointment.
- Engage ineffective communication skills by exploring the main components of good safety culture and the importance of promoting a healthy and knowledgeable safety environment.
- Participate in group discussion and decision making at safety meetings
- Outline the legal requirements relating to safety statements, describing the purpose and main elements of the safety statement and the employer’s responsibility.
Certification & Assessment
Project (50% of overall mark)-Prepared over an agreed period.
Skills Demonstration (20% of overall mark)- Preparation & Practical
Examination (30% of overall mark)- Theory-based exam.
On successful completion of the course, delegates will receive a QQI Level 5 Certificate in Health & Safety Representation.
Additional Information
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is a Safety Representative in the Workplace?
Section 25 of the 2005 Act entitles employees to decide on, select and appoint a safety representative or, by agreement with their employer, select more than one safety representative.
These workers can represent their colleagues in consultations with their employer on matters of safety, health, and welfare at their workplace. The safety representative does not have any duties, as opposed to functions, under the 2005 Act, other than those that apply to employees generally. Therefore, a safety representative who accepts a management proposal to deal with a safety or health issue, could not be held legally accountable for putting the proposal into effect (
What are the legal requirements in the Workplace for a Safety Representative?
Under Section 25 of the 2005 Act, all employees are entitled to select a safety representative to represent them on safety and health matters with their employer.
How long is a health & safety representative elected for?
No specific term of office is laid down in the 2005 Act. A term of office of about three years seems appropriate to gain utmost benefit from training and knowledge acquired.
Career & Self Development
Experience has shown that successful employees get involved in making sure their safety and health is protected. The ability to think broadly and become more involved in workplace matters outside the employee’s duties shows initiative and commitment.
For any further information please call or e-mail us.