Workplace Health and Safety Audit


All businesses must regularly examine the quality and effectiveness of their health and safety management systems. It is notable that when the HSA conduct their investigations into major accidents, it usually highlights health and safety management failures as being one of the main root causes.

Holland Consulting provides auditing services for customers, helping them proactively manage safety and ensure continual improvement in their safety processes. Our experienced consultants have extensive knowledge in collecting information on the efficiency, effectiveness and reliability of Safety Management Systems and the implementation of corrective action measures. We perform auditing of systems, processes and facilities across all industries and sectors.

Why Are Safety Audits Done? 

Safety audits and safety inspections are performed for a variety of reasons. Each company will have its own specific list of reasons for completing a safety audit. The following are just a few of the most common reasons:

  • Legislative Requirements - There are many local, state, and federal laws in place that require facilities to meet certain safety standards. A safety audit can help ensure those standards are met.
  • Safety Concern - Keeping employees and the workplace safe is ethically very important.
  • Injuries - If someone has been injured in a specific area of the workplace, it is often necessary to perform a safety audit of that area to determine whether the injury was a one-time occurrence or there is a risk of it happening to someone else.
  • Bottom Line - While safety improvement in the workplace is often looked at as an expense, in the long run, it can positively improve a company's bottom line.
  • Safety Culture - Employers that want to promote a safety-focused culture need to set the tone by engaging in safety-related activities such as safety auditing.

Service Breakdown

  • Review of all relevant documentation.
  • Meetings and interviews with key personnel.
  • Walkthrough inspection of workplace sites and premises.
  • Preparation of a detailed report of findings and recommendations to ensure compliance with health, safety and welfare legislation and best practice.


Advantages of Workplace Health and Safety Audits Include:

  • Reduction in the likelihood of accidents occurring.
  • Reduction in corresponding insurance claims.
  • Identifies gaps in systems and training needs.
  • Helps build a “safety culture” in your business.

Contact us today to discuss your Workplace Health and Safety Audit needs to ensure your business is fully safe and compliant! 

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